Friday, October 22, 2010

From Boardroom to Bedroom

    Hosted by Donna MacMeans

    The always fashionable and incredibly well-coifed Silhouette author, Jules Bennett, is joining us today with a dream and a challenge:

    What would YOU do with one meellion dollars (that was my bad Dr. Evil impersonation, you just didn't see my pinky at the cor
    ner of my mouth:)

    Ahhh, the question you've asked yourself at least once. Right? Let's be honest, you ask yourself this at least once a DAY. I do anyway:)

    A million dollars could go a long way, depending on what you do with it. You could get a new wardrobe for each season (with fabu shoes and matching handbag, of course). Maybe you'd buy a house for a family member or good friend in need. Oh, I know, you'd donate it all for the good of mankind:)

    What would I do with the money? So glad you asked!

    First, I'd go pick a little bit at a time off the tree in my backyard (yes, this is an

    actual pic from my yard complete with money tree and dog house). I like to think I'd pay all my bills first (though I really don't have many now that I'm thinking about it), but I know me and I'd go shopping. I'm not gonna lie:)

    I'd certainly send my parents on a cruise because they've always wanted to go on one, but never have. I'd also buy my dad a Cadillac because he's always wanted one, but swears the only one he'll ever ride in is the hearse that takes his body to the cemetary...yes, the man is a bit morbid:)

    After I made my parents happy, I'd take an all girl trip to somewhere amazing like Italy, Ireland, Scotland. Maybe all three!

    Oh, I'd certainly set my girls a nice cushion aside for college and a bit more so they can have a little to fall back on in case of unexpected emergencies.

    I'd have to invest wisely (if such a thing is possible anymore).

    Ugh! I just remembered I'd have to pay taxes on these to begin with, so my million isn't really a million, now is it? (Donna, what would I take home?)

    Do you like how I act like this is a real possibility? Hey, I like to plan ahead and you never know!

    Perhaps that's why I write for Silhouette Desire. My agent asked me years ago if I'd ever consider writing for them. She claimed my voice would fit with Desire perfectly. I guess so, huh? I love to daydream about lavish spending and now I get to write about yummy heroes who do just that! A match made in writer's heaven!

    Here's the blurb from my October release, FROM BOARDROOM TO WEDDING BED?:

    He'd been faced with the toughest decision of his life—a future full of wealth and power, or the love of Tamera Stevens. And self-made billionaire Cole Marcum had never regretted his choice. Until now, when circumstances forced him to work as partners with the woman he'd left behind.

    The brilliant CEO was determined to keep their relationship strictly business. Even so, working so closely with the only woman he'd ever cherished had Cole rethinking his priorities. This time, was he prepared to choose love over money?

    So, what would you do with a million dollars (minus the amount Donna tells us is taken away for taxes)? I didn't even get to all of my list, but I think I'd need more than a million;)

    I'd love to hear some of your ideas! I'll chose one random winner to receive an autographed copy of my October Silhouette Desire, FROM BOARDROOM TO WEDDING BED?. Who wants to share their dream spending spree?

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