Wednesday, September 3, 2008

She Made Me Do It

    by Tawny Weber and Beth Andrews

    Tawny: Did you ever have a friend who pushed or encouraged you? Who was always there to help you along and maybe dare you to do something that you probably wouldn't have done on your own? You know, skinny dipping in the moonlight because your friend dared you? Or asking that hottie out you were crushing on? Or, you know, maybe something a little more life altering?

    Beth:Oh, yeah, I have a pushy mean a wonderfully encouraging friend *g* She not only pushes me to set goals, but insists I am more than capable of meeting those goals. She cheers me on when things are going well and cheers me up when I'm down. Meeting her and becoming critique partners with her definitely altered my life in the best way possible! You know, thinking of friends who encourage each other reminds me of Delaney, the heroine of your latest Blaze release Risque Business, and her best friend Mindy.

    Tawny:Hmmm, you remind me a LOT of Mindy, Beth. You know, the sweet innocent looking one who hides her bulldozer tendencies behind her mellow exterior? The one that won't listen to any excuse--no matter HOW reasonable (I mean, really -isn't sorting orphaned socks a solid excuse not to write? I think it is)--to keep me from pushing for a goal. And then when I think maybe I can take the easy route, there you are booting me in the butt to push harder.

    *sigh* Is it any wonder Delaney went for the makeover? She was afraid of what Mindy would do to her if she chickened out.

    Beth:Now, now. I don't bulldoze you. I gently nudge you in the right direction.

    You know the only excuses for not writing I'll accept are: Sick kids (yes, they have to be YOUR kids, the neighbor kids don't count) Sick author (but only if you can't stay awake for longer than fifteen minutes at a time) or an unforeseen emergency (which begs the question: aren't all emergencies 'unforeseen'?) Of course, there are times when I realize an author might need a mental health day. Which is why I fully support your right to re-read all 7 Harry Potter books or watch every last episode of Friends.

    Just not when you're on deadline.

    But you know I only you for your own good. Which is why Mindy wanted Delaney to get the makeover. She knew her friend needed a bit of...direction shall we say, to become her best self. And since Delaney ends up making a super sexy bet with extremely HOT author Nick Angel, I don't think she's complaining ;-)

    Tawny:Okay, Okay... I get it. Sometimes a good friend is the person who shoves you out the door in spite of your well-justified excuses. And you're right. Delaney owes a LOT to Mindy. Not only for suggesting the makeover but also for helping her get the job at the TV studio. And those two steps were crucial in Delaney's journey of growth and self-empowerment (doesn't that sound grand?!). That, in turn, made her a worthy opponent in her own eyes to tackle Nick and all his sexy challenges.

    Hmmm... I guess this means I have to admit that nagging friends are a blessing, right? Because I know I wouldn't be nearly as excited about Risque Business if it hadn't been for you nagging... I mean, encouraging me throughout the story! And every time I hit a wall, you were right there telling me how it'd rock.

    So - I publicly admit it, like Mindy did in Risque Business, Beth has definitely earned her "I told you so" rights with me over the years.

    How about you? Do you have someone in your life who tends to know better than you do what's best for you? You know, that person who is there to push you along, encourage and support you and always seems to see just the exact thing you need to do to fix the problems. (Even if you don't want to listen to them *g*)
    Who are your favorite Friends from books, TV shows or movies? The classics like LaVerne and Shirley, Richie and The Fonze? Or more modern friendships like Harry, Ron and Hermione? Tawny will give one lucky commenter signed copies of her first two Blaze books, Double Dare and Does She Dare?
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