Sunday, August 31, 2008

September in The Lair!

    The GR really has something to crow about in September!

    Yes, its another fun filled month of Banditas, awesome guests and prizes!

    September 2 Join us for another rowdy launch party when we celebrate the release of Christine Wells, "The Dangerous Duke." Will Lady Kate and Lyle visit the lair? Who knows but you don't want to miss it if they do!

    September 3 Suzanne Welsh welcomes multi-nominated RITA H/S author Barb Dunlap

    September 4 Grab a cabana boy and get ready for another launch party when Tawny Weber and Beth Andrews celebrate the release of Tawny's newest Blaze, "Risque Business." How risque will it get? Join us and find out!

    September 5 Loucinda McGary hosts her Casablanca/Sourcebook sister Marie Force as they talk about her latest release "Line of Scrimmage."

    September 7 RITA award winning HQN author Kristan Higgins joins the Banditas to talk about writing, life and how to be "Just One of the Guys." Don't miss this interview with Joan Kayse.

    September 16 Lisa Gardner joins Jeanne Adams to talk about her July 2008 release "Say Goodbye". It's Lisa Gardner! Enough said!

    September 20 Beth Andrews welcomes YA author Terri Clark who will talk about dreams and her upcoming release, "Sleepless."


    Enter to win the fabulous "Live Dangerously" prize pack from our own Banditas, Jeanne, Christine and Tawny! Just check out the contest details on one of the following websites!

    Nancy Northcott is having a contest to celebrate the launch of her newsletter. Go to for all the details.

    Beth Andrews has a lot to celebrate too with the kids back in school and her wonderful critique partner Tawny Weber's sexy new BLAZE "Risque Business" release.

    Sign up for Beth's newsletter at and one lucky subscriber will win signed copies of Tawny's "Risque Business" and "Does She Dare?"


    Anna Campbell has a question and if you have an answer you might win an Advanced Readers Copy of her January 09 release "Tempt the Devil". Enter now at .Source URL:
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    by Suzanne Welsh
    Tomorrow is labor day in the United States. Started in New York City back in the 1880's it was a day set aside to remember the contributions made by the city's workers. As the daughter of a Union plumber and pipe fitter, I've always known the importance of the day.

    But for me, it's always had another meaning. As some of you may know, my dreaded night job is that of a Labor and Delivery nurse...(okay, by now you know where I'm going with this). My very first year out of nursing school I worked on Labor Day. How appropriate was that? Women in Labor on Labor Day...So today I'm going to share with y'all some of my favorite stories... (every one of them a true story!)

    When I lived in Florida, the unit I worked on was 6 floors up. We had a separate entrance from the ER, clear on the other side of the hospital. One night I got a call from the security guard who sort of chuckled and said, "We've got a lady down here having her baby in her car." Because he laughed, I thought he was joking. Only, he wasn't. The laugh was an I'm-scared-please-come-help-me laugh. So my team and I run to the elevator, and hurry down to the entrance. Sure enough the mother was lying in the front seat of a Grand Marquis. She was trying to exit head first out the driver's side. Problem was, the baby was coming head first the other direction! We managed to delivery the baby without too much difficulty and up to the L&D unit safely. Let me tell you, leather upholstry makes a very nice delivery table!

    One time, I was working in a University Hospital with residents and interns. A lady in very active labor comes down the hall, holding her stomach and breathing like she's a category 3 hurricane. Between breaths she says, "I need a birthing room." As the charge nurse that night, I showed her into a labor room, explaining it was the only empty bed, but if she was ready to deliver I'd move her over to the delivery room after we examined her. I turned to pull back the covers, and when I turned around, she was gone! I found her at the end of the hall, holding onto the guard rail we had on the wall, squatting and grunting. (NOT a good sign!!) So, I grabbed her gown and slipped my hand between her legs. Yep I could feel the baby's head touching my hand. As we maneuvered into a delivery room, (imagine here a cross between a waddle and a goose-step!), I yelled for a resident. Good plan, except for the delivery table was chest high!! No way could she climb on top to deliver. The little resident runs in and says, "What can I do?" After he gets his gown and gloves on, I told him to put his hands under her like a quarterback, and then when I let go, whoosh...he caught the baby with mama standing and holding onto the delivery table. Funny thing was, I looked into the observation window that this hospital had, and there was the rest of the staff all watching!!

    One of my most favorite deliveries was this past winter when my daughter had my granddaughter. My hubby said I got to have every grandmother's dream. I picked the doctor, the nurses, the hospital AND I got to be in the room when she was delivered! Well, the dreaded night job has to have some perks, doesn't it? And here she is!

    So, those are two of my stories...Do you have any fun stories about being pregnant, deliveries of yours or a friend's? Let's talk babies and births today!

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Friday, August 29, 2008

Things That Go Bump in the Night

    by Jo Robertson

    Do you remember the lines from the old Scottish prayer,

    "From ghoulies and ghosties/And long-legged beasties/And things that go bump in the night/Good Lord, deliver us!"

    When I was a little girl, I had all sorts of fears.

    We lived on the banks of the James River that sloped down from our property into a thick brush of sand and thickets and . . . well, for all I knew, a dead body or two. At least those were the stories my brother spun for me.

    And I believed him.

    Our house had an enclosed wraparound porch and we'd sit in the swing as evening came, looking out into the thick lush foliage and trees. As the night fell, and we could no longer see what lay outside the protected, screened porch, I knew there were things that not only went bump in the night, but that ate little girls alive.

    My fears were seldom unfounded.

    Okay, maybe the monsters living under my bed weren't real, but I wasn't going to test the theory by dangling my arms or feet over the edge during the night.

    But I knew one monster which did exist -- Big Foot. I knew he was real from the stories my older cousins told me when we visited them in Kentucky. Somehow those isolated roads and far-apart country houses made the stories real.

    Ghosts were real too.

    I w
    as about seven and my brother six, the summer my West Virginia cousins -- Bobby and Freddie -- great teenage boys way too old for such antics -- covered themselves in white sheets one night. They used flashlights for giant red "eyes" and came upon us as we made our way back from Aunt Edna's outhouse. They scared the living daylights out of us.

    I was afraid of ticks, too. And with good reason. They heavily infested our area and dug into the flesh, sucking blood like manic miniature vampires. Scalp, arms, legs, bottom -- all were suspectible.

    Once, a huge one, fat and drowsy with my young blood, buried itself into my little butt. They're almost impossible to remove and require gross things like alcohol and tweezers for their removal, items sure to scar you for life. Then you have to burn them to make sure they're dead.

    My fear of water came from my military dad trying to teach me to
    swim and the vague notion that polio came from swimming in the ocean too early in the year. To this day I'm afraid of the ocean. While it amazes and fascinates me, I keep my distance from the water.

    The ocean is a treacherous mistress, and any sailor knows she should be handled with wise caution.

    One last thing I learned to be afraid of when I was older. That freaky Chucky doll.

    What's up with that thing? He scuttles across the floor like a rat, so fast you can only sense the bloody knife in his hand.

    What about you? Are you afraid of things that go bump in the night?
    Did you have any childhood frightening moments or real-life frightening experiences?

    Do you have irrational fears? Or do you have good reasons for being afraid of certain things?

    Are you afraid of the dark? Being alone? The dentist?

    Come on, fess up. What are your three greatest fears? The most creative and interesting experience/story will receive a $10 gift certificate from Amazon, courtesy of Dr. Big. Shhhh, he doesn't know yet!

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HUGE RB Welcome to Roxanne St Claire!

    Jeanne: A huge hackey hudjson welcome to fabulous Rita-award wining Suspense author Roxanne St. Claire. I've been a huge fan since I read French Twist, Tropical Getaway and Like a Hurricane in quick succession four years ago. Since then, Rocki has written 22 award winning books so far in four areas - romantic suspense, category, chick-lit, and novellas in anthologies. But one of the most fun things, I think are her the series she's created. Rocki, I'm dying to know about how you write these complex, interwoven series. First You Run was an April 2008 release, Then You Hide is just out as of July, 2008, and I'm waiting with bated breath for the September release of Now You Die. Rocki, tell us what it's like to write about The Bullet Catchers, and the hot, hot...suspense .. yeah, the suspense, that's it...that inspires your novels. :>

    Rocki: Thank you, Jeanne, and thank you so much for the invitation to join the hackey hudjson! It’s an honor and a thrill to be here. And, of course, I’d lurve to talk about my fearless, gorgeous, alpha-to-the-bone bodyguards – the Bullet Catchers! Because they’re so…suspenseful. Right. That’s it.

    You know, it’s kind of ironic that I write a series of any kind because I was never a huge fan of recurring characters or continuing series back when I was only reading, and not writing. I always had this sense that the author was being arrogant in *assuming* I’d read all her books, not to mention I hate the sensation that maybe I’ve missed something important. But when I was researching my fourth romantic suspense, KILL ME TWICE, and learning about the life of a bodyguard, some creative lightning struck (I read the slang term “bullet catcher” for bodyguard and the whole series just popped into my head) and I decided I’d give a series a try. It’s worked out well, since now there are six full length books in the series, and two novellas. But because of my earlier anti-series bias, I kill myself to ensure that each book stands completely alone and that recurring characters are included for a reason that makes sense for the story.

    So things got real tricky when I decided to write a “trilogy within the series” – the three books that come out this year. They do stand alone, in that each is a romantic suspense adventure with a hero/heroine who ultimately find a happy ending, but there is a story thread that starts in the first, knots up further in the second, and is finally tied into a bow in the third. But, wow, a trilogy that’s released “close together” (mine are each two months apart) is NOT for the faint of heart. The first book is in production while the third one is being written, meaning, Thou Shalt Not Change the Plot.

    But guess what I did? Changed the plot? Uh, yeah. And the heroine. And the hero. And the villain. And the entire direction of the trilogy I’d originally proposed. It worked out, but, wow, there were some dicey days last spring.

    Jeanne: So for our readers, why don't you tell us who the Bullet Catchers are, and what the books are like?

    Rocki: The Bullet Catchers are an elite, high-end group of bodyguards and security specialists that handle some of the most difficult, dangerous, and daring assignments doled out by their uber-controlling leader, Lucy Sharpe. In every story, the Bullet Catcher hero (or heroine) has to face both a physical and emotional challenge, bringing their particular skill set to the adventure (as well as their singular “weakness” – which Lucy, the boss, always knows), and, in the process, they save lives, solve a crime, foil a few villains, fall miserably in love, face daunting conflict, and, ultimately, find HEA bliss.

    And, boy, was I wrong about recurring characters! Readers love them. In fact, the very first character I introduced was the woman who runs the Bullet Catchers operation, Lucy Sharpe, and from the get-go, she generated the most mail and interest among readers. I hadn’t planned on making the third book in the trilogy Lucy’s book (because I thought that when I ended the series, I’d do so with her book), but she is one of those *demanding* characters and she’s the reason I changed the entire trilogy so that she could be the heroine of the third book. That book came out this week, NOW YOU DIE, and I hope readers love the story I’ve given her. (Or, I should say, the story she insisted on having!)

    Since so many people like to start a series from the beginning (although it’s not necessary!), here are the books to date, all still available.

    KILL ME TWICE (hot Cuban-American hero with major libido issues)
    THRILL ME TO DEATH (big, sexy former DEA agent brought to his big, sexy knees by former lover)
    TAKE ME TONIGHT (spicy Italian boy who can cook and does amazing things with a canoli)
    FIRST YOU RUN (Aussie hero on the hunt for a woman hiding secrets)
    THEN YOU HIDE (slow southern boy meets feisty New Yorker girl in deep Caribbean trouble)
    NOW YOU DIE (Bullet Catcher boss has to team up with the one person who makes her lose what she values most ~ control)

    There are also two novellas, and, I’m delighted to say, at least two more Bullet Catcher books coming in the summer of 2009.

    Jeanne: Wow! That's fabulous! Oh, man, even more Bullet Catchers! Sigh... But you also write for Harlequin - and several of their lines at that! I know that your first Single Title, Tropical Getaway and your first category, Like a Hurricane, came out one right after the other. How did you manage that? Was the experience bliss or terror? Grins.

    Rocki: It wasn’t terror then because when I sold my first book, as is the case for most writers, it was complete. And I had another completed manuscript, also, which Pocket decided to release as my third book, KILLER CURVES (my first foray into the world of NASCAR). And, since those books were coming out two years apart (with FRENCH TWIST in the middle), I had a lot of time to write. So, I broke into category! I have to say that writing category books (specifically the Desire line) is F-U-N for me, because there are no dead bodies, no conniving villains, no heroines in jeopardy, but there is tons of sex and emotion and banter and romance. I’m not writing any now, as I focus on the Bullet Catchers, but I would love to do more at some point.

    Jeanne: I know you've said that you love writing romance, and especially romantic suspense. You certainly put that love into your work, you've won everything from a Rita to the Gayle Wilson Award of Excellence to Daphnes and Maggies and more. We've debated over and over, here in the Bandit Lair, if contests, both for unpublished and published, are worth the entry fee. What are your thoughts?

    Rocki: I’m really honored that my books have done so well in contests. Before selling, I was a contest slut (Oh, who are we kidding? I was truly a contest whore.) and entered many unpublished contests. At first, all this did was validate my *suspicion* that maybe, just maybe, I could write a book. I really needed that, and that’s why I strongly recommend contests for new, unpublished writers. The feedback (even the tough stuff) can be invaluable, and the process forces you to hone your craft. When my manuscripts started to final in contests, that boost of confidence was just the magic elixir I needed as I was slammed with rejection after rejection.

    As a published author, I entered contests to build my bio and reach more readers and booksellers who are the judges. Now, I only enter a few, because with an average of four books a year, it can be costly in terms of time and money.

    But here’s why a published writer should enter contests: you can’t really put fabulous “reviews” in your bio, but when the first few lines are “winner of the RITA, the HOLT Medallion, the Daphne, the Maggie, Bookseller’s Best, Book Buyers, Best, Award of Excellence, etc.” – you have instant credibility with readers and workshop attendees. So, I don’t enter them all anymore, but I’m delighted to have won for almost all of my books, including the Reader’s Choice, which I just received in July for one of my Bullet Catcher books, TAKE ME TONIGHT! And, let’s just be honest here, there is nothing as sweet as a RITA. That night is simply magical. After I won, I wished that everyone in RWA could experience that night just once, because floating around with that golden girl is a little bit of heaven on earth.

    Jeanne: I admire anyone who can write both single title and category. Several of our Banditas write fabulous categories for Harlequin, but I find it quite difficult to "write short" and tell a compelling, complete story within the word count. I really appreciate the mental flexibility you have as a writer to do both. Can you tell us a little bit about that?

    Rocki: I definitely think long and hard about the story premise before I start, and I believe that helps me craft a book that fits the page count limitations. In shorter books, I don’t have room for the complexity I have in longer books. Therefore, I outline a “simpler” story – a conflict that can be resolved without multiple steps, usually a very strong “external” conflict because that works really well as the spikes to “hang” all the internal conflict (assuring that you don’t have an “introspection heavy” book.) I’ve written three novellas, and, wow, those can be challenging to a writer who likes to write “big” stories, as I do. Two were Bullet Catcher novellas, and that was really tough to weave a suspense plot (with plenty of sexual tension, a scary climax and believable resolution) in 25,000 – 30,000 words. The trick, I think, is to start with a premise you can keep uncomplicated – and make sure the pace is lightning quick. Limit introspection, description, and backstory as much as possible, and stay focused on tight, clean storytelling.

    Jeanne: Finally, do you have an inspiration for your heroes before you start a book? Do you use a movie star, an imaginary character (Captain Jack Sparrow, anyone?), or real life heroes you've met to build The Bullet Catcher heroes?

    Rocki: Oh YES! I absolutely cannot start a book without two things: a picture of my hero, and a title that I love. My hero goes on my screen saver, and he is my MUSE. Without him, I will battle the book, and have been known to spend hours combing the internet to find just the Right Guy. (This is hard work, I tell ya!)

    Oh, you’d like to see some? All right…

    Here’s Jack Culver (to the left)…the hero who has the honor of snagging Juicy Miss Lucy in NOW YOU DIE (did I mention that book is out this week?)

    And here’s Dan Gallagher… the hero who didn’t get Lucy but, fear not. I’m writing his book right now and he’s getting…plenty. I was so happy when I found this one, because the look totally captures my Dan.

    You want MORE? Greedy, greedy girls. Okay, two of my favorite Bullet Catchers:

    (Left) Johnny Christiano from TAKE ME TONIGHT.

    (right) Adrien Fletcher from FIRST YOU RUN:

    How can I thank these men for the inspiration??? I couldn’t have written a word without them.

    Jeanne: Oh, my. Mymymymymy. I'd write too, with that for inspiration..... Okay, focus, Jeanne. Back to the matter at hand....Last but not least, you've been in marketing, public relations, television and now, writing full time. What's the best part of The Writer's Life, from your perspective? No pantyhose? What's the worst? Revisions? Do you still, like most of us, doubt your work from time to time?

    Rocki: The best part is the writing, and the worst part is the writing. When it *works” – you know, that day that your fingers fly and the story spins like magic on a wheel, when you close a doc and push away from the desk with bone-deep satisfaction that you nailed it….priceless. The rest of the time, it’s like chiseling marble, tapping and digging and hammering into it for the characters, story, and emotion you know is hiding underneath. Writing is very hard work, but when it sings, it is the greatest high a creative person can enjoy. When it doesn’t, I lose sleep, tear out some hair at the roots, and drink large glasses of Kendall Jackson.

    Doubt? Puh-lease! I doubt every book, every scene, every sentence, every word. The only difference is now I know what “doubt” sounds like – it’s a totally different nag than the screaming gut hollering “Something Is Wrong. Emergency! Emergency! You Are Screwing Up the Story!” When I hear that, I react. When I hear inner doubts, I try to let them do no more than keep me on my toes, always striving to write a better story than the last.

    Jeanne: Oh, yeah, I listen to that one too. Like you I try not to listen to the other one. Bandita Nancy and I were talking about the line from Dune "Fear is the Mind Killer..." Okay, back to the Bullet Boys - YUM - and our fabulous fans. We usually get our guests to ask a question of our Banditas, and Bandit Buddies...get them to quit drooling over the pretty pictures and actually chat...So, do you have a question for the Lair?

    Rocki: Oh, yes, I do have a question!! It’s about series – do you love them, hate them, insist on reading them in order, or are you indifferent to the series concept? What turns you on most about a series – what do you dislike? More recurring characters for you, or less? I’ll give one poster THREE BULLET CATCHER BOOKS (winner’s choice – get the first three, or, if you have them, the three books in the 2008 Bullet Catcher trilogy), signed and ready to read. Post away!!
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Thursday, August 28, 2008

Kate Moss a.k.a. Golden Girl

    Kate Moss has been touched by Midas and she turned into gold!A 110-pound (50-kg) gold statue of supermodel Kate Moss was unveiled by Marc Quinn, a British sculptor. The nearly $2.8 million statue entitled "Siren" will go on display at the Nereid Gallery of the British Museum on October 4 until January 25.

    In 2006, Quinn previously created a bronze sculpture of Kate Moss in a yoga pose, which was painted white and entitled Sphinx.

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    by Suzanne Welsh

    My husband is out of town this week, so I've got the house all to myself. While I miss his company immensely, I love being alone.

    Mind you, I didn't say I like being lonely. In fact, I rarely feel lonely. Between the internet which allows me to chat with all the Banditas; my AOL chats with my sister, mother and at least two of my kids; and the phone which rings constantly with people worried about the state of my estate, my FHA loan rate and my need for exotic vacations in places no one has ever heard of, I'd say I have plenty of contact with people. In fact, at my work people leave their nice warm comfy beds just to come to see me...patients because of their labor and doctors because I took the time to call them! And then there is the gaggle of nurses, who love to chat into the wee hours of the night! All these interactions with others is good and provides fodder for both story ideas and characterizations.

    No, I'm rarely lonely, but I do enjoy having time for me and my thoughts. I enjoy putzing around the house in my pajamas with no one home to wonder if I'm "getting dressed" today. Rocky, the wonder dog, doesn't mind at all! He knows that jammies mean one of two things. Either I'm writing all day or we're heading back to bed for a long nap at some point.

    When I'm home during the daytime the television is never on. The CD player on the other hand is. I enjoy listening to mood music while I write. In an action scene? Usually you'll hear some ZZTop or Lynard Skynard pounding out in my office. A sexy scene? Some Sade or Alison Krauss.

    Having alone time in the evenings allows me some freedom to catch up on reruns of The Closer, NCIS (a very cool, underrated show in my opinion) or any CSI, and the latest Project Runway (did y'all see last nights outfits?!)...I already have my hopeful finalists picked out!

    And then there's the reading!! OMG...let's see I just finished Sherrilyn Kenyon's ACHERON,(absolutely loved it) and am reading Sophie Jordan's TOO WICKED TO TAME, (very good so far!). SLAVE by Cheryl Brooks is next on my list.

    One other project I'm starting this week is a scrapbook for a Christmas present for one of my daughters. (can't tell you which one since they occasionally read this blog!)

    So do you enjoy having alone time? When you do, what do you indulge in?
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Doutzen Kroes: The Newest Victoria's Secret Angel

    Just recently, Victoria's Secret introduced a new obsession called "Supermodel Obsession". It is a collection of the must-have items for this season. Inspired by the hottest Fall trends, Supermodel Obsessions is the most sophisticated, ultra-feminine collection of lingerie and loungewear.

    Browsing it, you'll find Adriana Lima and Doutzen Kroes posing in lingerie. Who's Doutzen Kroes? Victoria's Secret recently confirmed to People Magazine that Doutzen is the newest Victoria's Secret Angel. Born in Oostermeer in the Netherlands, 23-year-old and 5′10″ stunner was gracing ads for everyone from Calvin Klein to Dolce & Gabbana.

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Fall Trend Alert: A Little Lace Goes A Long Way

    This Fall, lace works its black magic on intricately detailed dressing for after dark. Frilly, yet fearless...mysterious, feminine and tough.

    Did you know that a little lace can go a long way? With a lace, you can achieve a sophisticated and classy look or you can opt for dainty and innocent one. There were many different shades of lace, from classic black to metallic golds to baby blues to vibrant orange. The cuts were quite modest, with high necklines, low hemlines and demure silhouettes.

    The "Lace" trend have infiltrated the collection of Prada and other designers. It has been published/posted to (online) magazines.

    Thanks to My It Things , we can easily get fall's fascination with fine cut lace by starting with these picks:

    Fashion Advice: A long transparent skirt looks chic when paired with a snug leather jacket. Show off lace ankle boots with a simple shift dress. Team dramatic black lace with alabaster skin for a gothic.

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Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Gucci Fall 08/09 Ad Campaign: Brings Out Every Woman's Bohemian Wild Side

    For Fall 08/09 collection, Gucci Creative Director Frida Giannini explored the glamorous world of Bohemia. The collection is a combination of luxury with a bit of rock n’ roll.

    Ornate embroidery with gold thread, metal disks, gold tassels and small beading touches everything from the sleeves of floaty silk dresses to the waists of cropped shearling jackets. Glittering metal or jeweled accents cover shoulders and hems, while sphere-like gold studs decorate the surface of bags, shoe booties and cropped leather jackets. The pants for this season is: narrow, low-waisted and with built-in stirrup closures. With grosgrain or passementerie piping, the pants are paired with soft embroidered shirts, heavy wool jackets covered in rich detail, and are tucked in to over-the-knee, fringed boots. Skirts, meanwhile are short, heavily decorated and paired with cropped hip-height jackets.

    Check out Gucci's campaign ads for this collection and agreed with me that it brings out every woman's bohemian wild side.

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Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Miranda Kerr As Seen On David Jones Summer 2008 Catalouge

    After warming up the catwalk for David Jones Summer 2008 collections campaign last August 6, Miranda Kerr is back as she sizzles in the summer catalog of the "no other store". Here's some of the spreads taken in Rio de Janeiro.

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